Japanese Lesson: Akiru

16 09 2009

「いいなぁ〜」: an expression of envy, satisfaction, or nostalgia.

「あきる」:to get tired of, to lose interest in

Since my trip to the main office to get my car today was unsuccessful, I needed a ride home, and since I spent two hours cooling my heels not doing anything, I decided it was my right to demand a trip to the grocery store on the way home. And by demand I mean ask nicely.

So off I went with one of the Japanese office workers trailing behind me.  I was chattering away about the different meals I’d already tried to make and what ones I planned in the future, and he gave me a break down for making katsu-don, which is definitely high on my list.  He even showed me where I could find tsuyu, which is the base ingredient for a variety of different dishes, including ramen.  Then he indulgently helped me pick out a breakfast food, since my toast plan fell through completely when I remembered that I don’t actually have a toaster.

As we were leaving the grocery store, he looked back at me and said, 「いいなぁ。大人になったら、あきます。」 That’s so nice. When you become an adult, you get tired of it. Of what? I asked.  「日本人でいることにあきますよ」Tired of being Japanese. I laughed and hugged my bag of Japanese goods.  “It’s good to try out a new life sometimes.”  He nodded.  「ララは日本人になれると思いますよ.」I think that you can become a Japanese person.

Maybe so.